terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2008

Desafio dificil!

Já que anda tudo numa de comentar imagens, aqui vai!
O que é isto?

quarta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2008

E agora?

Ouvi dizer que deviamos rumar sempre a Sul... será que é verdade?

sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2008

Têm a mania que são médicos!

"Matter is simply condensed energy, but that does not explain why energy has no mass and matter does. So physicists believe that particles move as if through an invisible jelly -called Higgs field - slowing them down. Resistance to movement is a definition of mass. But this jelly itself could change, quite randomly, in some distant part of the universe. This would detonate a bubble of expanding destruction, Dr Allanach said. It would change the laws of physics for the whole universe.
"Light would stop shining, electricity would no longer work and atoms would spontaneously break up. The universe that makes us up, the Earth and the stars would disintegrate," he said. And this bubble of death would expand at the speed of light, which meant no one could know of its coming.
But this event remained improbable, even over the lifetime of a universe. It was roughly as probable as winning the lottery jackpot twice on the same day -one in 13m squared."

Estes senhores não brincam, já nos habituram a que nada corra mal, como em Chernobyl.

Já dizia o Armandão: " Quem brinca com fogo queima-se!"